Dr. Adam Bell, diagnostic manager at AkzoNobel, was profiled in Riviera Maritime Media this week for his innovative use of micro ROVs to perform ship hull inspections. Craig Jallal, who wrote the piece in Riviera Maritime Media, focused on AkzoNobel’s need to gather “data to check the performance of its coatings across thousands of vessels”.

SeaDrone previously covered Dr. Adam Bell’s story of working with Inspector 3 for inspecting ship hulls to research the performance of AkzoNobel’s coating. You can find the article on AkzoNobel here.

Jallal’s article in Riviera Maritime Media explains AkzoNobel’s challenges for working with human divers to perform the inspections and the reasons for switching to micro ROVs. Jallal covers Bell’s experience working with the SeaDrone Inspector 3 vehicle, including tips that Bell shares for how to combat bright sunlight and how to maneuver the Inspector 3.   

You can find the Riviera Maritime Media article on Dr. Adam Bell here.R
